Walt has a bit of a non-conformist streak. Lately it has manifested itself in a weird way. At both of our schools, Friday is school spirit day, and most teachers wear t-shirts. It is a school version of "casual Friday." So, Walt decided that he would remain casual Monday through Thursday, wearing jeans and a button-up shirt as he always does, but dress up on Fridays. So, he came out of the bedroom on August 28th, the first Friday of the new school year, in navy Dockers, a long-sleeve shirt (with a weather forecast of 110 degrees), shined shoes (Dr. Martens from London), and a new tie. The tie, by the way, was a series of Bohr Atoms - very scientific! He is committed to dressing up each Friday, and thinks we should now dress up and go out to fancy dinners occasionally (I think we should eat at home and be comfortable). I have known him for 22 years, and I have seen him in Dockers and a tie perhaps 3 times. I think this new desire to dress up might be a part of his mid-life crisis, but he does look cute...don't you think?!?
By the way, if you talk to Walt, talk in a high voice or a low voice. He went to the audiologist on Thursday and has lost a significant amount of hearing in the mid-range...which also involves an increase in tinnitus...for every 5 percent of hearing loss, your tinnitus increases by 10 percent. Ah, the joys of approaching 50 (Walt will be 47 on November 15...if you send a birthday card, make the print large as our eyesight is going south as well!).